Mission Statement
First Steps School of Arts and Sciences develops inquiry-based, independent learners using a curriculum that is focused, personalized and engaging with an emphasis on college/career readiness and 21st century skill development.
To create and inspire a vibrant community of life-long learners equipped with 21st century skills to excel and become positive contributor to society.
Life At First Steps
Principal's Message
At First Steps, it is our mission to provide our students with an education that in centered not only on academic excellence, but also on the ability to thrive in all circumstances. We encourage our pupils to embrace the opportunities available to them, to move forward and forge bonds in the community and beyond. We value excellence, but not excellence that is limited to academia. Excellence in character and conduct are also cornerstones of the ethos at First Steps. I am proud to head up this institute that has nurtured our young stars and given them the space to shine and I look forward to seeing them grow as they explore their potential.
Sarah Hayat
Wall of Fame